Why You Should Sign-up Early For PSSC Trips.
Dear Sailors, Skiers, and Sightseers,
For all of our multi-day trips, you may well ask “Why sign-up many months in advance? The trip dates seem awfully far away.” Well, there are three good reasons for setting the early deadlines:
The travel industry is changing. Your trip leaders work hard to find the best prices. More and more, however, those prices can be obtained only if the Club signs a contract well in advance of the travel dates.
Not only price, but availability is also affected by early contracts. Most airlines limit the seats reserved for group sales since they make much more money on individual tickets. A similar economic reality affects hotel rates. For sailing trips, a key factor is making sure we have enough boats reserved. If we wait too long, we will not be able to acquire a sufficient number of boat rentals.
In arranging for group trips, the Club often has to make substantial deposits before we receive any money from you, the participants. While the Club has the financial resources to do this, we need to know as soon as possible how many people are going. The prices we advertise are conditioned on a certain size group. If there are fewer sign-ups than we have forecast, either the trip may have to be canceled (with some loss borne solely by the Club) or the price will have to be adjusted upwards.
Aside from these considerations, you should sign up early because some trips (we don’t always know which ones) are oversubscribed and you may end up on a waiting list!
Some people may have concerns about signing up early because of uncertainty about their health six to ten months in the future. There is a simple solution for that: purchase trip insurance, which (depending on the policy) can also cover and protect you financially in other unforeseen circumstances. For cancellations for other non-covered reasons, Club policies (in practice) rarely result in a full loss to the person canceling, and we are often able to refund nearly all of your payments.
So, don’t procrastinate! Sign up for the trip or trips that interest you!